Wells Fargo Loan Officer Leads Preliminary Producer Survey Results

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An originator with Well Fargo Home Mortgage is the leader in the first preliminary results of Origination News’ 2012 loan originator survey. But in the early results, the leaders are reporting larger volume than they did in 2011.

Brian Scott Cohen leads so far with a reported volume of $326 million. This is higher than last year’s top producer’s volume of $289 million (Editor’s note: After the results were published, ON learned the 2011 top producer’s license had been suspended by California state regulators during that year although it did not affect his volume total for the year). Preliminary results have not yet been confirmed by the editors of ON. In the 2011 survey, Cohen was sixth on our list with a volume of $195 million.

Running second is David Jaffe of OnQ Financial, with volume of $224 million. He was No. 12 for 2011 with volume of $154 million.

Sammamish Mortgage’s Michael Shane is No. 3 with production of $164 million in 2012. One year prior, Shane was at No. 19, with volume of $107 million.

A trio from Perl Mortgage occupies the next three slots: Barry Schwartz with volume of $152 million; Dean Vlamis, $145 million and Beth Lewis, $139 million. In the 2011 survey, they were ranked 21 ($100 million), 26 ($91 million) and 29 ($88 million) respectively.

We are accepting data for the 2012 survey at our survey website, http://bit.ly/WybTbg.

Eligible participants include bank loan officers, broker loan offers, broker/producers, mortgage banker loan officer and every other producer in the business. We also accept commercial transactions in our rankings (that is how it has historically been done and we would like to keep that continuity). We also will accept data from reverse mortgage originators.

Besides the questions about volume, we are also asking questions about your marketing.

Those providing data will have the opportunity to get a free subscription to Origination News.

Feel free to email me at bradley.finkelstein@sourcemedia.com with any questions; if I can't help you I will refer you to someone who can.

Deadline for inclusion in the print version of the survey, the list of the top 150 originators, is March 8. However we accept data submissions all year (the link will remain active). Results will be published in the April issue of Origination News.

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