Westcor Land Title Insurance Creates National Agency Division

Westcor Land Title Insurance Co., Winter Park, Fla., has created a National Agency Division to serve independent title agents who write business in multiple states. The unit, Westcor said, was formed out of demand from the growing number of multistate agents looking for an underwriter who provided a relationship built on trust and integrity and gives their agents access to all decision makers without competing for their customers. The team will include Barbara Allen, division manager, Sara Hewitt, vice president of national accounts, Kimberly Sledd, national agency representative, and Chris Skinner, national corporate coordinator. Westcor is currently licensed in 26 states with 10 additional state licenses slated for approval this year. "Westcor does not expect to be a 50-state solution, explains Allen. "Rather, our purpose is to identify and engage a network of quality agents and vendors to support independent multistate agents in most markets even if the policy is not issued on Westcor." Westcor, according to the American Land Title Association, was the third largest regional underwriter for 2009 and seventh largest overall.

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