The world of appraisals has changed forever with RemoteVal

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RemoteVal is an industry first remote appraisal inspection tool that simultaneously addresses the needs of lenders to have a full offering for a Remote Desktop appraisal and the desire of appraisers to remotely inspect a property in real-time.

Watch this short demo as Mark Walser, President of Incenter Appraisal Management highlights how RemoteVal is fastest and easiest way for lenders to deploy remote appraisal technology for use with the GSE Desktop, Non-QM, and other lending channels. You'll see how Remote Val:
  • Allows the appraiser to remotely connect with the agent or homeowner at a property
  • Remotely photograph it and 3D Scan the home to generate high resolution, geo-stamped and time-stamped photos along with an accurate floorplan of the home – all without special tools or 3rd parties needing to come to the house and perform property scans.
Explore all the benefits RemoteVal has to offer. CLICK HERE!

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