Loan Think

It's Loan Officer Survey Time

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Early results in the annual Origination News survey of top loan officers have Ben Anderson of Mount Olympus Mortgage, Irvine, Calif. as the leading producer for 2013.

Anderson originated $201 million. Next is Robby Oakes from Corporate Investors Mortgage Group, Chapel Hill, N.C. at $117 million and Kelly Marsh of Santa Barbara, Calif.'s Broadview Mortgage third at $104 million. This data is used as the basis for our annual top 200 loan officer list, which will appear in the April edition of ON.

Anyone who submits data for this year's survey will get a complimentary subscription to Origination News. The data helps our research team get a handle on the overall size of the mortgage market, so we are looking for all loan officers, no matter how much they produced, commercial and/or residential, to fill out our questionnaire.

We are still accepting submissions at We have a template to use at the same location for any company which is submitting data for 10 or more loan officers.

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