Former Federal Housing Administration head David Stevens talks about the rough road ahead for mortgage lenders.

November 28

How far we’ve come and how much further we need to go to better reflect today’s borrowers in our staffing

October 25

As lenders weather lean loan volumes, visionaries are preparing for the next boom with blockchain, AI-driven compliance capabilities and more.

September 13

How lenders are using ChatGPT and other technologies to attract younger borrowers who wouldn’t accept less than a streamlined and highly customized interactive experience.

June 27
NMN June-July-August 2023.jpg

The legendary mortgage magnate Glenn Stearns talks about making the industry “less callous.”

May 18

Last year was a tough one for the mortgage industry, but the best of the best kept their volumes high. Inside, they tell us how they did it.

April 18

How lenders assuage fear in a fading market

March 15