Loan Think

Good Health Equals Good Business, Part IV

More from a contributor who wishes to remain anonymous but wanted to spread the word that taking care of your personal well being is the way to outperform the competition. The contact information is at the bottom of this article.

If you’re not healthy and don’t feel good, how can you possibly run an effective business? Here are a few more ideas in our continuing series about helping you improve your physical well-being.

• Mind and body—Statistics show that at least 50% of all physical illness and disease is a direct manifestation of issues that stem from our mind, like stress, worry, anxiety, sadness, etc. So if you don’t deal with your stress/worry or whatever is bothering you, you’ll likely have weaker immune system and more illness, acute and chronic, which will of course affect not only how you feel, but also how your business performs.

If you’ve been trying to treat some physical ailment, whatever it may be, and it’s not getting better, spend some time treating your mind. You’ll be surprised how treating the mind can help treat physical issues.

• Signs of imbalance—Interestingly, the body gives subtle clues of imbalance in the body. Obviously, pain is an obvious sign of something wrong. But there are other more subtle clues.

One example is fingernails may have a concave shape many times when the person is anemic. Another is that if your tongue is coated (usually with a white film), that may suggest a liver condition. Bad breath can generally be indicative of a digestive issue.

Chronic dark circles under the eyes, although could be simply genetic or a sign of lack of sleep, is sometimes indicative of a liver issue. Western medicine may or may not pay attention to these. You might want to.

• Breathing—Proper deep breathing can make huge differences in one’s overall health. Which is why techniques like meditation, yoga, prayer, guided meditation, and tai-chi can have such a beneficial impact on the body. Regular breathing use in their exercises not only calms the body, but getting more oxygen into the lungs (and therefore to all parts of the body) can have a major positive impact on health.

• Treating the symptoms only will cost you—Many people have issues that need some sort of medical attention, but they hide the issues or just treat the symptoms. For example, someone who always wakes up and is extremely groggy and tired for a long time after they wake up drinks coffee to cover the grogginess.

Obviously, there is some sort of “quality of sleep” issue that needs to be looked at to solve the underlying issue, not just treat the symptom. Yes, the coffee may help the person function and get by, but functioning isn’t really living life.

Moreover, as soon as the coffee wears off, they’ll be tired again. And chronically not getting good sleep, as addressed before, is very bad for general health.

• Who gets sick—When a cold or flu goes around, some get it, some don’t, right? Wrong. In general, most likely everyone who is exposed is infected. But those with stronger immune systems are able to knock it down quicker and stronger, so symptoms never have a chance to develop.

Certainly, genetically, some may have “stronger” immune systems. Which means for those who don’t, it’s even more critical to keep your immune system strong by getting good sleep, exercising, eating right, etc. If you do tend to get sick a lot, wash your hands regularly and keep your hands out of your eyes, nose, mouth, etc. That’s generally how bacteria and viruses get into our systems.

• Inflammation—If there’s a buzzword of the decade in the health world, it’s “inflammation” and the massively damaging effect chronic inflammation has on the body. Inflammation can be good, as in the case when you cut yourself, the body embarks on an inflammatory response sending the immune cells to kill any possible invading bacteria.

But with chronic inflammation, that comes with stress, for example, scientists are seeing a clear correlation of high levels of inflammation to chronic disease, everything from heart disease to arthritis to allergies to diabetes. To combat inflammation, there are plenty of things you can do, such as exercise, relax and eat anti-inflammatory types of foods and supplements.

If there’s one thing you should probably supplement with, it’s Omega 3 fish oil. Check out for more on inflammation and disease.

I’m convinced that if you follow the ideas on this list, you’ll feel better, inside and out, and be more successful in your business. More next time.

If you need help staying on track with diet, exercise, health, etc., we’re happy to help. Email us at and we’ll help keep you on track.


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